RecyclePlast® offers a circular approach to asphalt, reducing carbon emissions and repurposing waste plastic to create durable roads. Asphalts containing additives from waste plastics and can be produced at lower temperatures using Heidelberg Materials’ era® 140 warm mix process, which reduces the carbon emissions associated with road construction and maintenance by up to 15%.
The modified waste plastic is compatible with bitumen without compromising its performance and can be used across many of Heidelberg Materials’ standard asphalts.
RecyclePlast provides a beneficial use for plastic at the end of its life rather than it being sent to landfill and can also be recycled back into new asphalt at the end of its life. RecyclePlast is suitable for a wide range of applications and is produced using Heidelberg Materials’ era® 140 process. This allows the asphalt to be produced at a lower temperature than standard hot mix, reducing energy requirements and associated carbon emissions by up to 15%. The lower production temperature and quicker installation provides better working conditions for operatives as less fumes, odour and steam are generated.
It is estimated that every kilometre of road laid using RecyclePlast prevents 450kg of plastic waste going to landfill and saves one tonne of CO₂ emissions because of the asphalt’s lower production and laying temperatures.

- Provides a beneficial use for waste plastics, supporting the circular economy
- Prevents waste plastic going to landfill
- Using era 140 process reduces CO₂ emissions associated with production and laying by up to 15%
- Suitable for a wide range of applications
- Improved working conditions for site operatives
- 100% recyclable
- Available from Heidelberg Materials asphalt plants across the country
- Quicker installation leading to less disruption on site
Also available with the following options:
Please see asphalt product matrix for further information or contact technical: